Mia Watson

VHFA recently began partnering with CarShare Vermont to offer its staff access to shared vehicles for business travel. This initiative will allow the Agency to reduce its carbon footprint while making travel more convenient and more affordable for its staff.

VHFA has long encouraged housing development in downtown, walkable areas, with the goal of connecting Vermont renters with jobs, schools and amenities, reducing reliance on cars and decreasing harmful emissions. However, going without a personal vehicle in Vermont can be challenging. Even if Vermonters are able to go without a car or reduce the number of cars in their household, it is often necessary to travel to rural areas that don’t have robust public transportation.

Car sharing services can help bridge these gaps. VHFA serves the entire state of Vermont, and its staff travel hundreds of miles each year to inspect rental housing for compliance, visit construction sites, attend public meetings and offer homebuyer information seminars. The Agency wanted to make it possible for its staff to do this vital work without having to rely on a personal vehicle to travel to Vermont’s far-flung cities and towns.

With the Agency’s partnership with CarShare Vermont, VHFA employees can now bike or take the bus to work in the morning, then take a car to business meetings. As part of its business membership, VHFA staff also have access to personal memberships at no additional cost. Vehicles come equipped with gas cards and free roadside assistance.

The car sharing initiative is one of several VHFA efforts to promote sustainability and employee wellness, including covering the cost of bus passes, comprehensive recycling and composting, on-site bicycle repair clinics, LED lighting and energy efficiancy updates to the building, and reducing printing and paper use.