By: Leslie Black-Plumeau

VT begins analysis of impediments to fair housing month

Equal access to residential housing (i.e. housing choice) is a fundamental right that is critical to personal, professional, and community development. If equal opportunity is to become a reality, fair housing is a goal that public officials and private citizens must embrace.

To that end, the State of Vermont is planning a comprehensive Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) to further the goal of fair housing and satisfy requirements of the Housing and Community Development Act.

A preliminary survey is underway to collect input of housing & nonprofit professionals across the state. 

Broader community outreach efforts are being planned for the upcoming months. Please contact Jayme Bauer at [email protected] for more information and/or to discuss having your community’s voices heard.

If you or someone you know has experienced housing discrimination, Vermont Legal Aid and the Fair Housing Project (CVOEO) provide relevant information in multiple languages and links to file complaints: