Every other year Vermont holds a Vermont Statewide Housing Conference immediately after the election. This year, the conference will again be held at the Hilton Burlington but with many exciting changes and offering twice as much as in prior years, including:
- TWO day conference
- TWO keynote speakers
- TWO Housing Hero awards
- Legislative breakfast reception
The conference will begin on Monday, November 14 at 12:30 pm and feature two thought-provoking sessions on the outcomes of both creative housing partnerships and creating funding. Since making new connections and renewing existing ones are critical to putting ideas into practice, there will also be networking breaks and a late afternoon reception overlooking beautiful Lake Champlain.
Tuesday, November 15, will provide a full day of learning and collaborating, starting with a legislative breakfast reception and and the announcement of the Legislative Housing Hero. This will be followed by a compelling keynote address and book signing by Kathryn Edin and Luke Schaefer, co-authors of $2 a Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America. Afterward, the conference will focus on "Looking Towards the Future" with a series of short, powerful presentations in the round.
During lunch, this year's Innovation and Impact Housing Hero will be announced. In the afternoon, we will head into workshops on the latest pressing issues for housing policy, finance, development and planning.
You can not afford to miss this productive, innovative conference, so why not register today?