Leslie Black-Plumeau

AHS_scorecardThanks to the recent development of a menu of indicators and targets by the Vermont Agency of Human Services and the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission, describing how Vermonters are doing has become easier.

The Vermont Agency of Human Services released its “Results Scorecard” last month listing indicators of statewide conditions, with plans to expand the scorecard to include community level indicators in the future.

Similarly, the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission published the 2013 ECOS Annual Report on the State of Chittenden County based on over 80 indicators that track the progress of Chittenden County against goals related to the economy, environment, quality of place, and community.

Since safe, decent housing is a critical to health and well-being, it is no surprise that both organizations included indicators of the availability of housing into their indicator menus.   The number of homeless community members was included by both, with additional indicators pertaining to housing cost, vacancy rates, and the availability of housing on the Chittenden County list.

Image source: humanservices.vermont.gov/copy_of_ahs-results-scorecard