A new report from the Center for Investigative Reporting reveals that lenders across the United States are denying conventional mortgage loan applications for African American and Latino applicants at higher rates than comparable White applicants.
Chittenden County leads state in jobs to homes imbalance
Chittenden County has the biggest imbalance between its share of VT jobs and homes, according to recent VHFA analysis. Although 33% of the state's jobs are in Chittenden County, the state is home to only 28% of the state’s workers and only 25% of the state’s homes. This is likely caused in part by workers living in Franklin County, where the share of homes outnumbers the share of jobs, who commute to Chittenden County for work.
Washington County also has an imbalance similar to Chittenden’s, but on a much smaller scale.
Hoarding: A Practical Overview
The Vermont Resident Service Coordinators (VRSC) has an event coming up! in March, David O'Leary will be speaking about hoarding intervention techniques. David is a Housing Retention Specialist with the Burlington Housing Authority who specializes in hoarding and squalor cases. He joined BHA in 2015 after two years of domestic violence advocacy at STEPS to
End Domestic Violence (Formerly Women Helping Battered Women).
VHFA releases 2017 Annual Report
2017 was another highly successful year for Vermont Housing Finance Agency.
In fiscal year 2017, VHFA financed $76 million in home mortgages to help 483 households move into affordable homes. VHFA’s programs saved homebuyers an average of $5560 through the ASSIST down payment assistance program and other closing cost savings, enabling many young Vermonters to purchase their first home with less financial strain.
Once again, VHFA was the single largest funding source for the construction and rehabilitation of affordable apartments in Vermont, providing $75 million in housing tax credits and loans to grow and preserve 823 homes for low-income renters.