In 2019, the Vermont Legislature passed Act 48, which included asking the State Treasurer to evaluate and report on options for funding and financing affordable housing in the state. This report is due on January 15, 2020.
Homeownership declines among young Vermonters
This commentary by VHFA Executive Director Maura Collins appeared recently in VTDigger
New estimates show fewer young Vermonters are buying homes. Vermont currently has the sixth highest homeownership rate in the nation, with 71 percent of households owning their home, but a downturn among young buyers could have lasting negative effects on Vermont’s economy.
Big ideas for local housing challenges
Although Vermont communities face hard work in turning the tide of declining housing affordability, consensus is growing about the most effective ways to do this. At a recent gathering convened by Fannie Mae and the Urban Institute, business, government and non-profit leaders agreed that many of the root causes and solutions to the nation’s housing affordability crisis are tied to local action.
The most powerful strategies available to communities seeking more balance in the affordability of their housing stock are:
Ribbon-cutting celebrated at Jeudevine in Hardwick
VHFA joined Lamoille Housing Partnership (LHP) and Housing Vermont last week for a ribbon-cutting ceremony at Jeudevine Housing. The project involved the extensive rehabilitation of three buildings in downtown Hardwick, preserving 18 affordable apartments and a commercial business space. Jeudevine received nearly half of its funding from federal tax credits awarded by VHFA.