Hours before Governor Shumlin delivered his second inaugural address last week, Vermonters combating homelessness gathered on the Statehouse steps in Montpelier. One participant held up a sign that read “Housing: Take the ‘less’ out of ‘homeless’".
Data and Statistics
Housing cost burden identified as most pressing housing need in South Burlington
An estimated 1,000 households living in South Burlington pay more than half of their incomes for housing, according to VHFA’s recently completed housing needs assessment for the City of South Burlington. Nearly 600 of these households are renter households, while the other 400 households own their homes.
NYU study finds housing tax credits serving those with greatest needs
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program serves a significant number of the nation's extremely low-income households, perhaps more so than members of the affordable housing field had anticipated, concluded NYU’s Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy in a report released last week.
Congress Keeps American Community Survey Intact For Now
The continuing resolution passed by the U.S. House and Senate last week will keep the American Community Survey from being eliminated, at least until the resolution expires on March 27, 2013, according to the Association of Public Data Users. Earlier this year, a rider had been attached to the FY 2013 appropriations bills by the House eliminating the American Community Survey.
Seven Days spotlights Burlington’s King Street neighborhood
Check out Seven Days to read about changes occurring in the neighborhoods around Burlington's King Street. With offices in the heart of this neighborhood, VHFA is helping with the redevelopment of the Wharf Lane and Bobbin Mill apartment buildings through loans and tax credits.