Yesterday's release of the 2010 Vermont Housing Needs Assessment received some TV and newspaper coverage.
Report: Housing costs burden many low-income Vermonters
Vermont’s aging housing stock is inadequate, causing low-income households to spend more of their money on housing than they can afford, according to the 2010 Vermont Housing Needs Assessment.
The report was released at a press event this afternoon at the Vermont Statehouse (pictured).
VHFA Executive Director Sarah Carpenter and Policy and Planning Manager Maura Collins spoke at the event.
DEHCD announces more community meetings
The Vermont Department of Economic, Housing and Community Development (DEHCD) is looking for assistance in determining Vermont’s Consolidated Plan for 2010-2015.
The department's holding a series of community meetings — which we posted about Dec. 4 ("Help Develop Vermont's Consolidated Plan") — and has announced three more meeting dates:
VHFA wins CEDO contract
Vermont Housing Finance Agency was awarded a contract to research and write a report for the City of Burlington.
The city's Community and Economic Development Office (CEDO) picked VHFA's proposal to produce its "Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing." The report, required as a part of Burlington's consolidated planning process, was last published in 1999.
The report will be produced by VHFA Research Analyst Leslie Black-Plumeau and returning University of Pennsylvania's Warton School intern Casey Klyszeiko, under the direction of Policy and Planning Manager Maura Collins.