The recent federal budget agreement included the survival of a program that has become a vital funding source for affordable rental housing in Vermont--the HOME Investment Partnership Program. When proposals arose earlier last year to deeply cut the program, the National Association of Housing Finance Agencies (NCSHA) HOME Coalition tirelessly and effectively gathered evidence of the program’s impact, documented its widespread support and educated federal policy makers.
2015 shows impact of VHFA tools for making homes affordable
Throughout 2015, VHFA focused on finding new ways to help low- and moderate-income Vermonters share in the housing recovery. Almost all of the home buyers who used VHFA’s financing last year were taking the monumental step of buying their first homes. Some homes that were deteriorating after being foreclosed on by other lenders were fully renovated by VHFA through the Housing Acquisition and Rehabilitation Program and sold to qualified home buyers. For renters, VHFA supported the construction and rehabilitation of 458 affordable apartments in 14 communities across the state.
Happy Holidays from Vermont Housing Finance Agency
Building bridges to affordable housing for 42 years.
Artwork by Polly Thibault, VHFA Loss Management Specialist
Local elves help make annual mitten stuffing a huge success
A bus from The Edge Kids & Fitness after school program brought 25 young helpers to VHFA yesterday for the Agency’s annual mitten stuffing. Aliya (pictured) and her fellow elves got right to work in VHFA’s board room, helping to stuff 175 sets of mittens, hats and gloves with candy. VHFA will deliver the bounty this afternoon to the Sara Holbrook Center and King Street Youth Center for distribution to local kids and teens in need.
VHFA sends out a big thanks to all of the knitters and shoppers who donated such high quality outerwear for this wonderful holiday event!