At Thursday’s vigil on the Statehouse steps and joint legislative hearing on homelessness, Vermonters who have experienced homelessness and service providers were among the voices urging lawmakers to consider long-term solutions. Linda Ryan, co-chair of the Governor’s Council on Pathways out of Poverty, asked the state to fund more rental subsidies, in light of declining federal support.
Modifications to Vermont’s housing tax credit program for 2014
Vermont’s “difficult to develop” areas under the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit provisions have been revised to include all counties with the exception of Addison, Orleans, Caledonia and Essex for 2014.
Gratitude and culinary delights
VHFA staff translated their skills in the kitchen into United Way donations during two recent events. The agency’s long-standing workplace culture of gratitude and generosity coupled with the exceptional culinary prowess of key staff members guaranteed the success of a “soup cook-off” earlier in the month and yesterday’s Thanksgiving dessert auction.